Person holding different rice varieties
Varieties of rice

Varieties of Rice: A Comprehensive Guide for Rice Enthusiasts

Rice, a staple food for over half of the world’s population, is not only a source of sustenance but also an integral part of cultural and culinary traditions. With its diverse varieties and versatility in cooking methods, rice has captured the attention of enthusiasts seeking to explore its rich flavors and textures. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a thorough overview of the various types of rice available today, offering insights into their characteristics, origins, and ideal usage.

Imagine yourself standing in front of shelves lined with bags filled with different kinds of rice – long-grain basmati from India, fragrant jasmine rice from Thailand, or short-grain sushi rice from Japan. Each variety presents unique qualities that contribute to the overall taste and presentation of dishes. Understanding these nuances can elevate one’s culinary skills while adding depth to their appreciation for this humble grain.

In this article, we will embark on a journey through the vast landscape of rice varieties, exploring everything from aromatic options like Basmati and Jasmine to sticky favorites like Arborio and Calrose. By delving into the history behind these grains and examining their distinct attributes such as size, shape, texture, and flavor profile, readers will gain valuable knowledge that enables them to make informed choices when selecting rice for their next culinary creation.

Basmati rice, known for its long and slender grains, is a staple in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. It has a distinct aroma reminiscent of popcorn or nuts and a delicate flavor that pairs well with spicy curries and biryanis. Its fluffy texture makes it ideal for pilafs and rice salads.

Jasmine rice, native to Thailand, is highly fragrant with floral notes. It has a slightly sticky texture when cooked, making it perfect for Asian dishes like stir-fries and sushi rolls. The subtle jasmine aroma adds an enticing element to any meal.

Arborio rice, hailing from Italy, is short-grain rice renowned for its high starch content. This characteristic gives risotto its signature creamy consistency. Arborio’s ability to absorb flavors makes it the preferred choice for creating rich and indulgent risottos.

Calrose rice, originating in California, is a medium-grain variety that is widely used in Japanese cuisine. It has a slightly sticky texture when cooked, making it perfect for sushi rolls and onigiri (rice balls). Calrose rice also holds up well in soups and stews due to its ability to retain moisture during cooking.

Aside from these popular varieties, there are numerous other types of rice worth exploring. For example:

  • Black Rice: Also known as forbidden rice, this variety boasts a striking dark color and nutty flavor profile. It works well in both savory dishes like grain bowls and sweet desserts such as puddings or cakes.
  • Wild Rice: Despite its name, wild rice is not technically a type of rice but rather the seed of aquatic grasses found in North America. It has a chewy texture with earthy undertones, making it an excellent addition to salads or side dishes.
  • Sticky Rice: Commonly used in Southeast Asian cuisines like Thai and Laotian, sticky rice becomes soft yet chewy when cooked. It is often formed into balls or used as a bed for savory dishes.

As you navigate the world of rice, consider experimenting with different varieties to enhance your culinary repertoire. Whether you’re striving for fragrant and fluffy grains or sticky and comforting textures, understanding the characteristics of each type will help you create remarkable meals that showcase the versatility of this humble grain.

White Rice

White Rice

Imagine yourself sitting down for a delicious meal at your favorite Asian restaurant. As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your dish, the waiter places a steaming bowl of fragrant white rice in front of you. The grains are perfectly cooked to a fluffy texture and have an enticing aroma that makes your mouth water. This is just one example of the countless ways white rice can captivate our senses and enhance our culinary experiences.

Why choose white rice?

There are several reasons why White Rice continues to be a popular choice among food enthusiasts:

  • Versatility: White rice serves as a versatile base for numerous dishes, accommodating various flavors and ingredients.
  • Ease of digestion: Due to its polished nature, white rice is easier to digest compared to other types of rice.
  • Long shelf life: White rice has a longer shelf life than brown or wild varieties, making it convenient for storage purposes.
  • Cultural significance: In many cultures around the world, white rice holds deep cultural significance and plays a central role in traditional cuisines.
Pros Cons
Nutrition Enriched with iron Lacks fiber
Culinary Absorbs flavors Can be overly soft
Digestion Easily digested May cause blood sugar spikes
Cultural Central in rituals Overconsumption linked to health issues

Incorporating these factors into our decision-making process enables us to appreciate the unique qualities that set white rice apart from other varieties. With its versatility, ease of digestion, long shelf life, and cultural significance, white rice undoubtedly deserves its place at dining tables worldwide.

Transitioning seamlessly into the next section about “Brown Rice,” we embark on an exploration of another fascinating variety that offers distinct characteristics and benefits.

Brown Rice

Varieties of Rice: A Comprehensive Guide for Rice Enthusiasts

In the previous section, we delved into the world of white rice, exploring its characteristics and culinary uses. Now, let’s turn our attention to another popular variety – brown rice.

Imagine a health-conscious individual searching for nutritious alternatives to incorporate into their diet. They come across brown rice, an unrefined grain that boasts numerous health benefits. This individual decides to give it a try, hoping to enhance their overall well-being while enjoying a flavorful meal.

When compared to white rice, brown rice undergoes minimal processing, retaining its bran and germ layers. As a result, it contains higher amounts of fiber and essential nutrients such as magnesium and vitamin B6. Here are some key aspects of brown rice worth noting:

  • Nutritional Value:
    • High in dietary fiber
    • Rich in antioxidants
    • Good source of minerals like manganese and selenium

To further illustrate the nutritional differences between white and brown rice varieties, consider this table:

Nutrient White Rice (1 cup cooked) Brown Rice (1 cup cooked)
Fiber 0.6 grams 3.5 grams
Magnesium 19 mg 84 mg
Vitamin B6 0.07 mg 0.26 mg

It is evident from the above comparison that consuming brown rice can significantly contribute to one’s daily intake of fiber, magnesium, and vitamin B6.

Moreover, due to its nutty flavor and chewy texture, brown rice adds depth to various dishes ranging from stir-fries to pilafs or even salads. Its versatility makes it an excellent option for those seeking healthy alternatives without compromising on taste.

As we conclude our exploration of brown rice, let us now turn our attention to another popular variety – Jasmine Rice. This fragrant and aromatic type is a favorite in many Asian cuisines, adding an intriguing dimension to culinary creations.

Jasmine Rice

Varieties of Rice: A Comprehensive Guide for Rice Enthusiasts

Section H2: Brown Rice

Moving on from the exploration of brown rice, let us now delve into another popular variety – Jasmine Rice. Known for its fragrant aroma and delicate flavor, Jasmine Rice is a staple in many Southeast Asian countries.

Imagine yourself sitting at a bustling street food market in Thailand, as the tantalizing scent of steaming jasmine rice wafts through the air. Picture the locals expertly scooping spoonfuls onto plates, ready to be enjoyed with various spicy curries or stir-fried vegetables. This simple yet satisfying scene is just one example of how Jasmine Rice can transform an ordinary meal into an extraordinary culinary experience.

To better understand this prized grain, here are some key characteristics that set Jasmine Rice apart:

  • Fragrance: One of the defining features of Jasmine Rice is its floral aroma reminiscent of pandan leaves or popcorn.
  • Texture: When cooked properly, Jasmine Rice has a slightly sticky consistency while maintaining individual grains.
  • Taste: Its subtle nutty flavor pairs well with savory dishes and complements a wide range of cuisines.
  • Long-grain structure: The slender shape adds elegance to any presentation and contributes to a light and fluffy texture.
Characteristics Description
Fragrance Delicate floral aroma resembling pandan leaves or popcorn
Texture Slightly sticky with separate grains when cooked correctly
Taste Subtle nuttiness that enhances various flavors
Grain Structure Slender long-grain shape contributing to light and fluffy texture

Jasmine Rice’s versatility makes it suitable for both traditional Asian recipes and fusion cuisine. Whether you’re preparing Thai green curry or experimenting with your own twist on fried rice, this aromatic grain will add depth and fragrance to your creations.

Transitioning smoothly into the next section, let’s now explore yet another esteemed variety of rice – Basmati Rice. With its origins in the Indian subcontinent, Basmati Rice has a rich history and distinct characteristics that make it highly sought after by rice connoisseurs worldwide.

[Start writing Section H2: Basmati Rice]

Basmati Rice

Varieties of Rice: A Comprehensive Guide for Rice Enthusiasts

Section H2: Jasmine Rice (Continued)

As we delve into the world of rice, our next stop is Basmati Rice. This long-grain variety, known for its fragrant aroma and delicate texture, has gained popularity worldwide. Let’s explore the unique characteristics that set Basmati Rice apart.

Imagine a scenario where you’re hosting a dinner party with an international theme. One of your guests happens to be from India and insists on preparing a traditional biryani dish using only authentic ingredients. The star ingredient? Basmati Rice! Its distinct flavor and fluffy texture perfectly complement the rich blend of spices, creating a truly memorable culinary experience.

Here are some key points to consider about Basmati Rice:

  • Aroma: Basmati Rice is renowned for its enticing aroma, often described as nutty or popcorn-like.
  • Grain Length: With grains typically ranging from 6 to 7 millimeters in length, this rice type stands out among others.
  • Texture: When cooked properly, each grain remains separate and tender while retaining a slight chewiness.
  • Culinary Applications: Due to its aromatic nature and versatility, Basmati Rice is commonly used in various dishes like pilaf, pulao, and fried rice.

To further illustrate the diversity within different types of rice varieties, here is a comparison table showcasing their distinctive features:

Jasmine Rice Basmati Rice
Origin Thailand Indian subcontinent
Grain Length Short Long
Texture Soft Tender
Fragrance Subtle floral Nutty

Now that we have explored the nuances of both Jasmine and Basmati Rice varieties let us turn our attention to Arborio Rice, which is favored for its creamy consistency and use in risottos. This short-grain variety provides a delightful contrast to the long grains we have discussed.


Moving on to Arborio Rice, let’s discover its unique characteristics that make it an essential ingredient in Italian cuisine.

Arborio Rice

Varieties of Rice: A Comprehensive Guide for Rice Enthusiasts

Transitioning smoothly from our discussion on Basmati rice, let us now explore another popular variety – Arborio rice. Known for its unique characteristics and culinary applications, Arborio rice offers a delightful experience to food enthusiasts.

Arborio rice is primarily grown in the Po Valley region of Italy and is widely used in Italian cuisine, particularly in risotto dishes. Its high starch content gives it a creamy texture when cooked, making it ideal for creating rich and velvety risottos. For instance, imagine indulging in a steaming plate of mushroom risotto prepared with Arborio rice – each bite offering a burst of earthy flavors mingled perfectly with the creamy consistency of the dish.

To further understand this extraordinary grain, here are some key features that distinguish Arborio rice:

  • Short-grain variety: With plump grains that are shorter and wider compared to other types of rice, Arborio stands out for its distinctive shape.
  • High amylopectin content: The higher levels of amylopectin contribute to the creaminess and stickiness characteristic of cooked Arborio rice.
  • Absorption capacity: Due to its porous nature, Arborio has excellent absorption properties which allow it to absorb flavors more effectively during cooking, resulting in robustly flavored dishes.
  • Cooking technique: Risotto made with Arborio requires gradual additions of warm broth while stirring continuously until achieving an al dente consistency.

To provide you with a clearer picture, here’s a table showcasing some essential details about Arborio rice:

Feature Description
Grain Length Short
Texture Creamy
Flavor Nutty
Culinary Uses Risotto, paella, rice pudding

Arborio rice is undeniably a versatile and captivating variety that adds depth and richness to various dishes. Its unique characteristics make it an excellent choice for both home cooks and professional chefs seeking to elevate their culinary creations.

Transitioning into our next section about Wild Rice, let’s explore yet another intriguing member of the rice family – one with a distinct appearance, taste, and cultural significance.

Wild Rice

Transitioning seamlessly from the previous section on Arborio Rice, let us now explore another fascinating variety of rice: Wild Rice. Known for its unique flavor and texture, wild rice offers a delightful culinary experience that sets it apart from other types of rice.

One example showcasing the versatility of wild rice is in the creation of hearty salads. By combining cooked wild rice with fresh vegetables, nuts, and herbs, one can create a vibrant dish bursting with flavors and textures. This versatile grain provides an excellent base to complement various ingredients and dressings alike.

When considering the nutritional benefits of wild rice, several key points come to mind:

  • High fiber content: With approximately 3 grams of dietary fiber per half-cup serving (*Source: USDA National Nutrient Database), wild rice contributes significantly to meeting daily fiber requirements.
  • Rich source of antioxidants: Unlike many other grains, wild rice contains high levels of antioxidants such as vitamin E, which help protect cells against damage caused by harmful free radicals.
  • Protein-packed alternative: For individuals seeking plant-based protein options or looking to reduce their meat consumption, wild rice serves as an ideal choice due to its relatively high protein content.
  • Gluten-free option: As a gluten-free grain, wild rice presents itself as an excellent alternative for those with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.

To further understand the distinguishing characteristics between different varieties of rice, refer to the following table:

Variety Grain Length Texture Culinary Uses
Arborio Rice Short Creamy Risotto dishes
Wild Rice Long Chewy Salads, soups, stuffing

In light of these attributes and applications, it becomes evident that exploring diverse varieties like arborio and wild rice allows for enhanced gastronomic experiences while catering to individual dietary preferences.

As we move forward, let us delve into the realm of sushi rice, a staple ingredient in Japanese cuisine. Understanding its unique characteristics and culinary applications will further broaden our knowledge of the vast world of rice varieties.

Sushi Rice

Varieties of Rice: A Comprehensive Guide for Rice Enthusiasts

Section H2: Wild Rice
Transition: Moving on from exploring the unique characteristics of wild rice, we now delve into another popular variety known as sushi rice. Sushi rice is a staple in Japanese cuisine and is widely recognized for its role in creating delicious sushi rolls.

Sushi rice, also referred to as shari or sumeshi, plays an essential part in achieving the perfect texture and flavor balance in sushi dishes. For example, imagine biting into a beautifully crafted California roll with perfectly seasoned sushi rice that effortlessly complements the fresh ingredients within. The marriage between the distinct flavors of vinegar-seasoned sushi rice and seafood or vegetables creates a delightful culinary experience.

To fully appreciate the nuances of sushi rice, let us explore some key aspects that make it a sought-after choice among chefs and food enthusiasts:

  • Short-grain Texture: Sushi rice grains are short and plump, contributing to their stickiness when cooked properly.
  • Sticky Consistency: When prepared correctly, sushi rice has just the right amount of stickiness that allows for easy rolling and shaping during sushi-making.
  • Vinegar Seasoning: One defining characteristic of sushi rice is its pleasant tangy taste resulting from the addition of vinegar during cooking.
  • Proper Cooking Technique: Achieving the ideal consistency requires careful attention to detail while washing, soaking, and cooking the grains.
Aspects Description
Texture Short-grained and plump
Consistency Sticky yet manageable
Flavor Tangy due to vinegar seasoning
Preparation Requires precise cooking technique

In summary, understanding the qualities that set sushi rice apart is crucial for those who wish to embark on their own culinary adventures involving this delightful ingredient. Whether you aspire to create traditional nigiri or innovative fusion rolls, mastering the proper preparation techniques will ensure your creations showcase all that sushi rice has to offer.

As we conclude our exploration of sushi rice, let us now turn our attention to another intriguing variety known as sticky rice.

Sticky Rice

Section H2: Sushi Rice

In the previous section, we explored the world of sushi rice – a staple in Japanese cuisine known for its unique texture and flavor. Now, let’s delve into another popular variety of rice that is widely used in various Asian cuisines – sticky rice.

Sticky rice, also known as glutinous rice or sweet rice, gets its name from its sticky and chewy texture when cooked. One example of a dish that prominently features sticky rice is Thai mango sticky rice. This traditional dessert consists of steamed sticky rice drizzled with coconut milk and served with ripe mango slices on top. The combination of the creamy coconut milk and the sweet tropical fruit creates an irresistible taste experience.

To better understand this versatile grain, here are some key points about sticky rice:

  • Sticky rice has higher levels of amylopectin, a type of starch that gives it its characteristic stickiness.
  • It is commonly used to make dumplings, cakes, and other desserts due to its ability to hold together well.
  • When cooked properly, the grains become soft yet retain their shape, making it ideal for molding into different shapes.

Take a look at the table below for a visual representation of different varieties of sticky rice across Asia:

Country Variety Characteristics
Thailand Khao Niao Sticky & slightly sweet
China Nuò Mǐ Soft & chewy
Philippines Malagkit Sticky & translucent
Japan Mochigome Extremely sticky

As you can see from this list, each country has its own unique variety of sticky rice with distinct characteristics. These differences contribute to the diverse range of dishes that incorporate this delightful grain.

Moving forward in our exploration of rice varieties, the next section will focus on red rice – a nutritious and flavorful option that offers an array of health benefits. So let’s dive into the world of red rice and discover its culinary potential.

Section H2: Sticky Rice

Red Rice

Continuing our exploration of the various types of rice, we now turn our attention to Red Rice. To illustrate its unique characteristics and culinary applications, let us consider a hypothetical scenario where a renowned chef incorporates Red Rice into an exquisite dish that captivates diners with its vibrant colors and distinct flavor profile.

Red Rice is known for its rich reddish-brown hue, which results from pigments present in the bran layer. This variety offers a nutty taste and chewy texture that make it a popular choice among rice connoisseurs worldwide. Due to its firmness when cooked, Red Rice maintains its shape well and adds visual appeal to any meal. Additionally, it pairs exceptionally well with robust flavors, making it an excellent base for hearty grain salads or pilafs.

When compared to other rice varieties, Red Rice boasts several health benefits. Its red color indicates the presence of anthocyanins—a type of antioxidant associated with reducing inflammation and promoting heart health. Furthermore, this rice variety has a lower glycemic index than white rice, meaning it causes less drastic spikes in blood sugar levels after consumption. Incorporating Red Rice into your diet can contribute to overall well-being while adding diversity to your meals.

To further grasp the distinctive attributes of Red Rice, let us examine some key points:

  • The bran layer contains antioxidants responsible for its red color.
  • It possesses a nutty flavor and chewy texture.
  • This variety retains its shape well during cooking.
  • Its lower glycemic index contributes to better blood sugar control.

In addition to these noteworthy aspects, below is a table highlighting the nutritional composition per 100 grams of cooked Red Rice:

Nutrient Amount (in grams)
Calories 112
Carbohydrates 23.5
Protein 2.6
Fiber 1.8

These values demonstrate that Red Rice not only offers a visually appealing dining experience but also provides essential nutrients necessary for a balanced diet.

As we continue our exploration of rice varieties, the subsequent section will delve into the intriguing world of Black Rice. Known for its distinctive color and historical significance, this variety holds its own when it comes to flavor and health benefits. So let us venture further into the depths of culinary delights by examining the allure of Black Rice.

Black Rice

Purple rice, also known as Forbidden rice or black rice, is a unique variety that has gained popularity in recent years. Its distinctive dark hue sets it apart from other types of rice and adds an element of intrigue to any dish. One intriguing example of its use is the famous Thai dessert called “Black Sticky Rice with Mango,” where cooked purple rice serves as a base for fresh mango slices and sweet coconut milk.

When exploring the characteristics of purple rice, it becomes evident that this variety offers more than just visual appeal. Here are some key points about purple rice:

  • Rich in antioxidants: Purple rice owes its vibrant color to anthocyanin pigments, which possess powerful antioxidant properties. These compounds help protect cells against free radicals and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Nutrient-packed: Similar to other whole grain varieties, purple rice contains essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamins (B complex), minerals (iron and zinc), and beneficial plant compounds.
  • Health benefits: Regular consumption of purple rice may contribute to improved heart health by reducing cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure. Additionally, its high fiber content aids in digestion and promotes satiety.
  • Culinary versatility: Despite its somewhat nutty flavor profile, purple rice can be used in various dishes ranging from salads and stir-fries to desserts like puddings or even sushi.
Type Calories Cooking Time
White Rice 130 kcal 15-20 minutes
Brown Rice 111 kcal 40-45 minutes
Basmati Rice 121 kcal 10-15 minutes
Purple Rice 160 kcal 30-35 minutes

In conclusion, purple rice offers not only a visually striking addition to any meal but also numerous health benefits. Its unique color and flavor make it an attractive option for those seeking something out of the ordinary. Now let’s delve into another intriguing variety of rice known as Forbidden Rice.

Moving on to our next section, we will explore the captivating world of Forbidden Rice and uncover its fascinating history and cultural significance.

Forbidden Rice

Continuing our exploration of unique rice varieties, we now turn our attention to Forbidden Rice. Known for its intriguing appearance and distinctive flavor, this ancient grain has captivated rice enthusiasts worldwide.

Forbidden Rice, also referred to as Emperor’s Rice or Black Pearl, derives its name from a fascinating historical connection. Legend has it that in ancient China, forbidden rice was exclusively reserved for emperors due to its exceptional nutritional value and believed ability to promote longevity. Today, while no longer restricted solely to royalty, this rare heirloom rice remains highly prized for its striking black color and remarkable health benefits.

When compared to other types of rice, Forbidden Rice stands out not only visually but also nutritionally. Here are some key characteristics:

  • Rich in antioxidants: The deep purple-black hue of Forbidden Rice is a result of its high anthocyanin content – potent antioxidants known for their potential health benefits.
  • Nutrient-dense: This variety boasts an impressive nutrient profile, containing significant amounts of vitamins such as vitamin E and B-complex vitamins.
  • High fiber content: With approximately twice the amount of fiber found in white rice, Forbidden Rice helps support digestive health and promotes feelings of fullness.
  • Unique taste and texture: When cooked properly, this aromatic whole grain offers a slightly sweet flavor with a pleasing chewy texture that adds depth to any dish.

To further illustrate the versatility and appeal of Forbidden Rice, consider the following table showcasing various culinary uses across different cuisines:

Cuisine Dish Notable Feature
Chinese Black Sesame Dumplings The contrasting colors create an eye-catching presentation.
Thai Mango Sticky Rice The rich flavors of ripe mango complement the nuttiness of Forbidden Rice.
Indian Kheer (Rice Pudding) The addition of cardamom and saffron enhances the natural aroma of Forbidden Rice.
American Black Rice Salad A refreshing salad with vibrant vegetables and a tangy vinaigrette for a delightful crunch.

Incorporating this unique rice variety into your culinary repertoire not only introduces an element of novelty but also adds nutritional value to your meals. As we continue our exploration of different rice varieties, let’s now delve into the history, characteristics, and uses of Calrose Rice.

Now, turning our attention to Calrose Rice, let us uncover another intriguing facet in the world of rice cultivation.

Calrose Rice

From Forbidden Rice to Calrose Rice: Exploring the World of Rice Varieties

Continuing our journey through the diverse world of rice varieties, we now turn our attention to another fascinating type known as Calrose Rice. But before delving into its characteristics and culinary uses, let us begin with an intriguing case study that showcases the versatility and global appeal of this variety.

Imagine a small coastal town in Japan where sushi chefs meticulously prepare their renowned delicacies. One particular establishment prides itself on serving the finest seafood accompanied by perfectly cooked grains of Calrose Rice. The soft texture, subtle fragrance, and ability to absorb flavors make it an ideal choice for creating delectable sushi rolls that delight customers from near and far.

As we explore further, here are some key features that distinguish Calrose Rice:

  • Medium-grain size: With plump kernels that possess a slight stickiness when cooked, Calrose Rice strikes a balance between long-grain elegance and short-grain cohesion.
  • Versatile cooking methods: Whether steamed or simmered, this variety adapts well to various culinary techniques while retaining its distinct character.
  • Mild flavor profile: Characterized by a delicate nuttiness, Calrose Rice complements a wide range of dishes without overpowering other ingredients.
  • Popularity in Asian cuisine: Particularly favored in Japanese and Korean cuisines, this rice is often used for sushi, stir-fries, rice bowls, and even desserts.

Now let’s take a closer look at how Calrose Rice compares to other popular rice varieties:

Rice Variety Grain Length Texture Flavor Profile
Basmati Long Light and fluffy Fragrant with floral notes
Jasmine Long Soft Subtle aroma reminiscent of pandan leaves
Arborio Short Creamy Starchy with a hint of nuttiness
Calrose Medium Slightly sticky Mild and slightly nutty

As we can see, each rice variety possesses its own unique characteristics, making it suitable for specific culinary applications. The diversity in flavors, textures, and aromas ensures that there is always a perfect rice choice to enhance any dish.

In conclusion, from the forbidden allure of black Forbidden Rice to the versatile appeal of medium-grain Calrose Rice, our exploration into the world of rice varieties continues to unveil an array of options for every discerning palate. With their distinct attributes and cultural significance, these grains bring joy and satisfaction to countless meals shared across different cultures around the globe. So let us embark on this journey together as we deepen our understanding and appreciation for the wonders of rice.